Fiber optic lasers utilize amplified light that is channeled through a fiber optic cable. The light is then straightened and delivered by a lens that is hyper focused on the material being cut. This delivery system provides extremely accurate cutting of numerous types of materials in various thicknesses at speeds that are unattainable with co2 lasers.
Advantages of Fiber Optic Lasers
- The Ability to Work with a Variety of Materials
The ability to adapt to a wide variety of materials is a big advantage of fiber optic lasers. This is especially true of reflective metals, which is inherently a problem for co2 lasers since the nature of the material itself reflects when cutting. This is not a problem with fiber optic lasers.
- No Beam Delivery System
The beam of the fiber optic laser is delivered through a fiber optic cable thus eliminating the need for mirrors, bellows, and pressurized beam delivery systems. This allows for larger bed designs than previously possible with co2 lasers.
- Lower Operating Cost
Fiber optic lasers typically operate at a cost of approximately $4.00 – $5.00 / hour versus approximately $18.00 – $20.00 / hour when running co2 lasers.
- Superior performance
Fiber optic lasers have always performed in a vastly superior manner over co2 lasers. The beam quality emitted by a fiber optic laser is of a higher quality and delivers excellent results. This often means that tasks performed by fiber optic lasers are completed faster and with far less power consumed.
- Lower Heat Output
Fiber optic lasers emit a far lower level of heat than co2 laser systems. It is also noteworthy that a small chiller can be used to keep the system operating at optimal temperature.
- Lower Maintenance Costs
Fiber optic lasers are one of the most economical tools available. They are one of the most cost-effective solutions and provide a higher return on investment, especially when considering their output. Not only is there is no servicing needed, their maintenance costs are approximately 50 percent less than co2 lasers.
- Lower Prices / Higher Power
Prices of fiber optic lasers have come down substantially since their introduction to the market in 2005. Higher output wattages are now available (up to 20 kw) providing for incredibly higher output.
Contact Westbrook Engineering for your used fiber optic laser needs.